Hi there,
i’d like to announce the new Bugfixrelease of Trayrss! Besides bugfixing, I made some pretty interesting changes
Changes in 1.0.1
* performance refactoring
* event-dispatcher threads for gui
* log4j updated
* refactored the useage of log4j
+ task 00035: implementing maven
* fix 00033: timesets starttimes where set as endtime
+ task 00035: packaging by maven
+ task 00035: buildnumber
– task 00044: SWIXML menu removed
I’ve fixed some bugs in the event-dispatcher thread of the gui, so trayrss is now more stable. Also there was an error when monitoring feeds with an invalid timeframe. TrayRSS stopped monitoring without telling the user if the format of the timeframe could not be parsed correctly.
Besides the logging feature was updated too. This and some additional changes within the source should lead to a little performance increase.
TrayRSS relied on Trac for about two years. But Trac has its limitations. Now MantisBT is used to track all the tasks that are required to improve the application. The relation between a sourcecode change and a task will be noticed in the changelog in future by adding the tasknumber. Also Trac was binded to sourceforge. Now it isn’t necessary to have a sourceforge-account anymore to report an bug or request.
In MantisBT there are some additional possibilites to create reports. Also better notifications and a easier way to manage milestones are provided by the new bugtracker.
Additionally TrayRSS developement steps ahead to the next major release 1.1 Some major changes will be part of this release and the first step was also shipped with this Bugfixrelease: TrayRSS moved from ant to maven to manage the build process and to collect all the dependencies. That offers TrayRSS some important possibilities for the future such as managing multimodule projects, improves reusability, convention over configuration and so on. Some details about the migration will be described in future on nullpointer.at.
Hope you enjoy the new release
Kind regards!